Past Events
2023 Blessing of the Combines
Prayer from Blessing of the Combines:
BARB O God, whatever our backgrounds and politics, whatever our relationship—or lack of relationship—to your creation, we ultimately are dependent upon you for our daily bread. We all live by the bounty of your earth--a bounty planted, sown, and harvested by those present here today, who represent the larger community of those who work the land.
ANDREW We give thanks for the even larger community of those involved in food production, from livestock to fish, from processing to distribution, from machine-makers to packagers. We thank you for all who toil on behalf of a hungry world. Bless these farmers and their families and communities.
LATONYA Engender in us an appreciation for all that farmers do, and for their struggles. Open our ears and hearts to hear their needs and concerns. Motivate us to not only hear, but to respond in ways that provide for us all. Protect the farmers and the crops from all that threaten them.
ZACH Guide them in the decisions needing to be made
in the face of weather and wind and changing markets. Empower their work and the use of these machines to combat waste and hunger, want and need. Make their crops, and their efforts, productive, and ensure their safety. Amen.